Mon - Fri : 09:00 - 17:00
+44 20 7127 0008


IML, its partners and family members invest considerable time, effort and resources in the production of original content, be it video production, music, graphics and imagery, special information products, articles or even simple posts. Most if not all of our content is also provided to the public completely free of charge, and we are grateful that our content has been shared tens of thousands of times and viewed by millions across our websites and social media platforms.

Whilst we welcome and encourage such sharing of our content by our users, we do not at all welcome any attempts at plagiarism or content duplication by unscrupulous content providers or aggregators. We would like to make clear that the downloading of any of our videos, images or other content, and subsequently re-uploading them to one’s own social media channels, content platforms or websites is akin to theft, and will not be tolerated.

If you like any of our content, we would be grateful if you were to simply share it in a professional, honest and ethical manner by never copying it or downloading / re-uploading it, but instead by simply sharing the link to the original content hosted on our website(s), content players or social media channels.

We are also happy for you to use excerpts or small and reasonable quotes from our articles or other content in your own original content, as long as you always clearly credit us as the source, and provide a link back to the original article, video or other content piece.

Similarly, if we like somebody else’s work, we will always make it a point to ‘big it up’ for them out of respect and admiration for THEIR original work, and clearly link it back to them. We are always happy to help promote the good work of others in an ethical and generous manner, and expect the same from others who may wish to share our content.

If you would like to translate any of our content into your local language, we again ask that you kindly simply credit us at the beginning and end of the translation, and provide a link back to the original source.

We would also like to thank our loyal viewers and readers who notify us of any cases of plagiarism, and encourage you to kindly continue to notify us via this contact form.
